
- DragonHeart (Scotch Ale) ABV6.2% IBU18 SRM16.5
ETA 01-10-2013
(Maris Otter and Smoked Malts, Roasted Barley, UK hops and Scottish yeast)

- Gyle Royale (Robust Porter) ABV5.3% IBU25 SRM28
ETA 03-09-2013
(Maris Otter, Brown, 60L Crystal, Chocolate, and Black Patent Malts, Roasted barley, Slovenian hops and British yeast)


Friday, November 2, 2007

KEFIR - One Hell Of A Probiotic!

What is Kefir?

Kefir is a fermented milk pro-biotic that originated in the Caucasus region. It is prepared by inoculating cow, goat, or sheep's milk (or any milk for that matter) with kefir grains.

Kefir grains are a combination of bacteria and yeasts in a matrix of proteins, lipids, and sugars. This symbiotic matrix forms grains that resemble cauliflower. Today, kefir is becoming increasingly popular due to new research into its health benefits. Many different bacteria and yeasts are found in the kefir grains, which are a complex and highly variable community of micro-organisms.

Traditional kefir is fermented at ambient temperatures, generally overnight. Fermentation of the lactose yields a sour, carbonated, slightly alcoholic beverage with a tart and refreshing flavor similar to a drinking-style yogurt. The naturally occurring bacteria and yeast in kefir combine symbiotically to give superior health benefits when consumed regularly. It is loaded with valuable vitamins and minerals and contains easily digestible complete proteins.

While some drink kefir straight, many find it too sour on its own and prefer to add fruits, honey, maple syrup or other flavors or sweeteners. Frozen bananas, strawberries, blueberries or other fruits can be mixed with kefir in a blender to make a smoothie. Vanilla, agave nectar and other flavorings may also be added. Still others enjoy kefir, in lieu of milk, on cereal or granola.

For the lactose intolerant, kefir's abundance of beneficial yeast and bacteria provide lactase, an enzyme which consumes most of the lactose left after the culturing process.

For everything you ever wanted to know about Kefir but never dared asking:

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