Beer varies so much in how it appears, smells and tastes, that a massive lexicon of terms and definitions has been written over the ages to help you better describe your favorite beer. The best way to fully appreciate a beer is to take your time and dissect all the subtleties of its appearance, scent, and taste. Those sensations will tell you the story of how the beer was made and make your beer drinking experience all the more enjoyable.
Appearance: You may think, "What does how the beer look like have to do with how it tastes?" A lot. Color, carbonation, and turbidity are all good indicators of the "health" of the beer and how closely it matches the style it was brewed for. Raise the glass to the light. Beer color can range from a very light greenish-yellow (straw) color as in pilsners, to the deep chocolate browns, sometimes opaque, for the stouts and porters, to the pinks and reds of the fruit flavored lambics, with almost every color in-between. Does the color fit the style? The color of beer is the result of a blend of malted grains. The length of exposure of the grain to the kilning process determines the color of the malt and the beer.
Scent: When evaluating the aroma/bouquet of a beer, be careful to take your time with each sniff as your perception of smell is dulled after about four sniffs. Scent also helps deepen the taste and flavor of a beer so never drink beer straight from the bottle. The scent of beer can be broken down into three separate parts: aroma, bouquet, and odor.
Taste: Taste is by far the most subjective and important factor when evaluating a beer. Water is the best way to cleanse the palate but the more casual tasting may include crackers and/or food. Tasting the beers alone without food will allow the individualities of the beers tasted to better express themselves without being overpowered by the food. Taste, like appearance and scent, can also be broken down into three categories: mouthfeel, flavor, and finish. Raise the glass to the lips and swallow enough of the beer to allow it to wash the entire tongue. Try to separate the hop taste and the malt taste. Are they well balanced for the style? Balance is the blending of all of a beer's properties - bitterness, acidity, esteriness, hoppiness, etc. The more malted barley used (in relation to the water), the more full and powerful the taste. Is the body full or thin? Beer can be dry, (lacking sugar) and with a usually strong bitter hop character, or fruity (the presence of sugar), or rich (a full taste of malt and fruit). How is the aftertaste? The aftertaste should confirm the taste. Is it clean and pleasant? You want to experience a slight degree of aftertaste. Alcohol strength has little to do with the overall quality, but alcohol does play a part in the taste of the beer. Can you taste too much of the alcohol? Feel the carbonation. Is it distracting? Yeast: There are many different strains of yeast, each with their own characteristics. Fed more maltose, yeast provides a smoother beer; more glucose and it makes a "winey" beer. Fermented slowly, the yeast also releases more "elegant" flavors; fermenting quickly, it will also make a more "winey" beer. Water: The quality of the water effects greatly the quality of the beer. Water can be hard or soft; alkaline or acidic. Each of these characteristics will affect the final beer.
Malt provides the yeast the food to make much of the beer flavor. This can be described as a sweetish or dryish "earthy" flavor. A heavier roasted malt will also contribute a degree of "roasted" taste to the beer. (What grapes are to wine, malt is to beer).
Hops provide an "herbal, crisp, bitter, palate cleansing" effect to beer. Aromatic hops provide the herbal "grassy" nose, while bittering hops provide the gentle bitterness or "bite" in beer.
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